Briskly entering the class, he dumps his books on the desk, looks around, stares at the board for a moment, and then finally after a few perplexed moments, he opens his book to the required page and picks up a piece of chalk. Everyone stares at the board as he scribbles a few random technical words, his head clearly imploding with knowledge that he longs to share with us, but knows that it is of no use, as we would remain the same old confused souls that we are. He begins to speak as we fight our strong desire to doze off, when suddenly he attacks us with a question just to receive grave silence in return. Adhering to his artistic skills, he draws a diagram which causes an eruption of laughter amongst the students. Taking a few steps back from the board, he looks at the drawing and carries on with the explanation as he curbs in one of his rare laughs. Oblivious to the world around him, his overactive mind keeps thinking various thoughts that he prefers to keep to himself. The moment a topic of his interest starts, his mind switches back into the real world and his beady black eyes twinkle with excitement, just as a little kid’s eyes do when they see an attractive toy. Raising questions that one wouldn’t have ever thought of, he leaves the class to find the answer for themselves, and if they fail to do so, he reveals the answer in an obvious tone as if explaining that one and one make two, with a content smile on his face, satisfied that at least he could get us to rack our brains for a little while.