All posts by Ashka

Angie’s Room

One can be said to be extremely fortunate if he/she manages to catch a glimpse of the room’s inhabitant. Behind a humungous stack of what looked like a chaotic mess of books, files and sheets of music, there could occasionally be seen a young girl of 16, with her head low, nose almost touching the desk, busy scribbling away in an old worn-out diary, which opened with a small brass key which she kept securely tied around her neck. What secrets she kept in it, no one knew, not even her, as once written, there was no way anyone including herself could read them again, her hieroglyphic handwriting made sure of that.

The overhead shelves were stuffed with books and music CDs. Everyone in that house very well knew that those shelves were to be opened at their own risk, as, if a pile of assorted objects were to topple down on them; she was not to be held responsible for it. Once you’re lost deep in the dense jungle of Angie’s room, there is no guarantee of whether or not you will come out. It is one of the most feared places in the entire society, and simply mentioning its name sends shivers down people’s spine.

Her bed was a rare sight as it was usually covered with an assortment of clothes of all seasons. One would find sweaters, jackets, shorts, tees and raincoats at the same time on her bed, no matter what season it is. Lord alone knows how she sleeps there, or if she sleeps at all. In one gloomy corner lay an untouched black guitar case covered in soot, judging by its condition one would guess that it had been there for over a decade.

The curtains in her room were rarely up and sunlight was never to be seen either. Most annoyed by her room’s condition was her mother. She would complain all day about the filthy little room on the second floor just near the terrace. She would complain all right, but even she wouldn’t dare step a foot inside. What once went it never came out. And that was true for both animate and inanimate objects. It was as if the room itself knew whom to let in and whom to torture, frighten and then ruthlessly kick out. It welcomed Angie with the usual greetings of various chirpings under the bed and a few shrill squeaks from the dormice which lay snuggled behind the door.

Just the thought of it was life threatening. There were so many ways that one could go into coma, become unconscious or in extreme and prolonged visits, even die because of her room. The moss covered door which was the only way in and out disgusted most of the daring creatures willing to go inside, the scent of rotting meat which was a very usual thing in her room was good enough to send the visitor into a trance-like state, and if those didn’t work well enough, the yet undiscovered species of poisonous insects that reigned under her bed and tended to react at the slightest disturbance would surely do the work. It was like Angie’s own little kingdom. She was the queen, the ruling power, and she reigned over happily, as no place in the entire universe could ever give competition to that nasty little room of hers.

My Physics Teacher

Briskly entering the class, he dumps his books on the desk, looks around, stares at the board for a moment, and then finally after a few perplexed moments, he opens his book to the required page and picks up a piece of chalk. Everyone stares at the board as he scribbles a few random technical words, his head clearly imploding with knowledge that he longs to share with us, but knows that it is of no use, as we would remain the same old confused souls that we are. He begins to speak as we fight our strong desire to doze off, when suddenly he attacks us with a question just to receive grave silence in return. Adhering to his artistic skills, he draws a diagram which causes an eruption of laughter amongst the students. Taking a few steps back from the board, he looks at the drawing and carries on with the explanation as he curbs in one of his rare laughs. Oblivious to the world around him, his overactive mind keeps thinking various thoughts that he prefers to keep to himself. The moment a topic of his interest starts, his mind switches back into the real world and his beady black eyes twinkle with excitement, just as a little kid’s eyes do when they see an attractive toy. Raising questions that one wouldn’t have ever thought of, he leaves the class to find the answer for themselves, and if they fail to do so, he reveals the answer in an obvious tone as if explaining that one and one make two, with a content smile on his face, satisfied that at least he could get us to rack our brains for a little while.

My Mechanics Teacher

Sitting down with her small group of students in class, she explains all the concepts related to a particular chapter using one diagram. She smiles to herself when we say we understand, as she knows what our condition will be when we start the exercises. She stands by the board, ready to explain everything all over again. Her intent eyes searching for certain students to target for tricky questions, she muddles up our mind as she incessantly increases the complications in the problems. One glance at everyone’s baffled faces and she knows exactly what doubt they have. Her sweet voice goes on to explain the endless list of laws, and every time a student solves a complex question, her eyes twinkle with delight and pride. Her eyebrows rise as she sets yet another challenge for the class. Traditional Indian attires along with her well-sculpted features never fail to make her look beautiful. Her unique radiance and extremely melodious voice mesmerise all. Her occasional strict appearances and confident poise are enough to make anyone do what she demands. Her sensible explanations well-supported by logical reasons always manage to convince even the most reluctant and rigid students. Every time she adjusts her glasses, her nose twitches and eyes press closed, like a small child adapting to new glasses. Her sensitive nature always makes her reduce the workload as she leaves class looking at the students’ sunken faces.