The Uncommon Common Sense

A long time back, certain parts of sense had been categorised into a separate group called ‘Common Sense’. What those people probably meant was ‘ideally meant to be common’ sense or maybe ‘commonly absent’ sense. Because ironically, the so-called ‘common’ sense is the most uncommon trait found in humans these days. To come across a person with common sense is like finding one of those highly endangered species of birds, as, when spotted others will point in amazement. Just like how certain animals and plants are fading away, soon common sense will be extinct too. Shortly, people who somehow manage to hang on to their senses in this harebrained world will be showcased in galleries and perhaps even museums. They will be like those magnificent pieces of art that only a selected few people can truly appreciate. They will be a part of a collection of rare artifacts.

Cursed are those people who are wired with common sense because they have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it. Arguing with people who lack sense is like trying to get a cat to bark. It’s like trying to slam a revolving door. It’s like trying to remember exactly how your dream began. It’s like trying to look classy while eating chicken wings. I’m sorry this one is clichéd, but it’s like trying to put toothpaste back into the tube. In short, it is impossible. Absolutely impossible to convince them, persuade them, and try to make your point to them. They can’t make sense of anything, and no one can make sense out of them. The entire process of arguing with them is a struggle for the unfortunate sensible person. It’s like what people say – ‘Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or an idiot from any direction’.

Ever heard of those mirages that one stumbles upon in barren regions? You think you’ve uncovered a source of water to quench your aching thirst, but as you move closer you realise that there is not the slightest trace of water there at all. Some people are like those mirages. Looking at them you think that you’ve finally come face to face with a person who has sense, and the moment they open their mouth to speak, you become conscious of the false impression that you fell for.

I read this on a social networking site and it kept me amused for quite a few days – ‘Common sense is like a deodorant, the people who need it most never use it’.

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